List of Publications

2024 口頭

  • Okazaki Y. Unraveling genomic diversification in lake bacterioplankton through high-resolution eco-genomics. The 19th International Symposium on River and Lake Environment [November 5-8 2024, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China, Oral presentation on Nov. 6th by Okazaki Y] — Keynote speech
  • 遠藤寿. 溶存態RNAからプランクトンの死滅を探る. OceanDNAテック2024 [November 6, 2024, 東京大学大気海洋研究所, Oral presentation on Nov. 6 by Endo  H.] — invited talk
  • 緒方博之. どこまでわかった?巨大ウイルスの生態・進化. 第71回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 [November 4-6, 2024, ウインク愛知, Oral presentation on Nov 5 by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 遠藤寿, 緒方博之. 細胞外rRNAを指標とした海洋プランクトン死滅溶解の網羅的推定. 第37回日本微生物生態学会広島大会 [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Oral presentation on Oct. 29 by Endo H.]
  • 菊矢咲季, 長崎慶三, 森本大地, 緒方博之, 遠藤寿. ウイルス感染に起因するHeterosigma akashiwo由来の溶存RNAの網羅的分析. 第37回日本微生物生態学広島大会 [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Oral presentation on Oct 29 by Kikuya S.]
  • 疋田弘之, Ruixuan Zhang, Jingjie Chen, 岡嵜友輔, 緒方博之. パンドラウイルスにおける大きなゲノム断片の水平伝播 [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Oral presentation on Oct 30 by Hikida H.]
  • 長坂孔明, 西村陽介, 呉君毅, 劉文文, 遠藤寿, 緒方博之. 遺伝子獲得による巨大ウイルスの深海適応可能性の探索. 第37回日本微生物生態学会広島大会 [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Oral presentation on Oct 30 by Nagasaka K.]
  • Liu W., Nagasaka K., Neches Y. R., Okazaki Y., Endo H., Ogata H. Existence and activity of giant viruses in a mesopelagic environment [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Oral presentation on Oct 30 by Wenwen L.]
  • 岡崎友輔. 深水層の微生物生態系に迫る新技術の進撃. 日本陸水学会第88回大会 課題講演 [October 18-20, 2024, 熊本大学, Oral presentation on Oct 20 by Okazaki Y]
  • Okazaki Y., Nishikawa Y., Wagatsuma R., Takeyama H., Nakano S. Low infection rate and heterogeneous virus-host interaction among freshwater bacteria revealed at the single-cell resolution. [July 15-19, 2024, Cairns, Australia, Oral  presentation on July 17 by Okazaki Y.]
  • Chen J. Transcriptome analysis of Sputnik. Joint Symposium on Global Health:
    Kyoto University (KU) – University of Vienna (UNIVIE) [June 18-20, 2024, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation on June 20 by Chen J.]
  • Zhang R. A giant virus creates its own subcellular environment to overcome the codon-tRNA mismatch. Joint Symposium on Global Health:
    Kyoto University (KU) – University of Vienna (UNIVIE) [June 18-20, 2024, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation on June 20 by Zhang R.]
  • Liu W. Towards an understanding of the ecology and evolution of giant viruses in mesopelagic layer. Joint Symposium on Global Health:
    Kyoto University (KU) – University of Vienna (UNIVIE) [June 18-20, 2024, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation on June 18 and 20 by Liu W.]
  • Ogata H. Giant viruses – perspectives on their ecological and evolutionary impacts. Joint Symposium on Global Health:
    Kyoto University (KU) – University of Vienna (UNIVIE) [June 18-20, 2024, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation on June 18 by Ogata H.]
  • Hikida H. Diversity of virocells formed by different giant viruses. Joint Symposium on Global Health:
    Kyoto University (KU) – University of Vienna (UNIVIE) [June 18-20, 2024, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Oral presentation on June 18 by Hikida H.]
  • 緒方博之 オミクスデータが切り拓く海洋微⽣物⽣態学の最前線. 京都⼤学⼤学院⽣命科学研究科附属⽣命情報解析教育センター
    キックオフシンポジウム [June 5,  2024, Kyoto University, Online, Oral presentation on June 5 by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • Ogata H. Tara Oceans giant virus studies: Recent and on-going topics. Tara Oceans Retreat [May 27-30, 2024, Nice, France, Oral presentation on May 30 by Ogata H.]

2024 ポスター

  • 遠藤寿 溶存圏の遺伝情報が拓く新規プランクトン動態解析 CREST海洋カーボン・さきがけ海洋バイオスフィア合同領域会議 [November 27-29, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Poster presentation on Nov 27 by Endo H.]

  • Jiang S., Nakaoka S., Nakaoka S., Suzuki K., Endo H.Seasonal variation of microeukaryotic communities and its relationship with environmental variables v2020_0210 CREST海洋カーボン・さきがけ海洋バイオスフィア合同領域会議 [November 27-29, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Poster presentation on Nov 27 by Jiang S.]

  • 佐々木裕人, 遠藤寿, 桑田晃, 緒方博之 遺伝子発現に基づいたパルマ藻の2形態の全球分布比較 第37回日本微生物生態学会広島大会 [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Poster presentation on Oct 29-30 by Sasaki H.]
  • 花井泰志, 緒方博之, 東浦彰史, 村田和義, 武村政春 Medusavirus sthenusのヌクレオソーム再構築に関する研究. 第37回日本微生物生態学会広島大会 [October 28-31, 2024, 広島国際会議場, Poster presentation on Oct 29-30 by Hanai Y.]
  • Zhao H., Meng L., Hikida H., Ogata H. Eukaryotic genomic analysis reveals broad host spectrum of a novel viral group: mirusviruses. [July 15-19, 2024, Cairns, Australia, Poster presentation on July 18 by Zhao H.]
  • Zhang L., Meng L., Fang Y., Ogata H., Okazaki Y.  Spatio-temporal dynamics revealed the existence of giant virus community specific to dark environments in a deep lake. [July 15-19, 2024, Cairns, Australia, Poster presentation on July 18 by Zhang L.]
  • Zhang R., Hikida H., Shichino Y., Mito M., Iwasaki S., Ogata H. A giant virus creates its own subcellular enviroment to overcome the codon-trna mismatch. [July 15-19, 2024, Cairns, Australia, Poster presentation on July 16 by Zhang R.]
  • Ogata H., Kijima S., Hikida H., Delmont T.O., Gaïa M. Nucleocytoviruses in the proto-eukaryotic era encoded multiple aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Viruses of Microbes 2024 [July 15-19, 2024, Cairns, Australia, Poster presentation on July 16 by Ogata H.]
  • Hikida H., Zhang R., Chen J., Okazaki Y., Ogata H. Horizontal transfer of large genomic region between pandoraviruses. Viruses of Microbes 2024 [July 15-19, 2024, Cairns, Australia, Poster presentation on July 17 by Hikida H.]
  • Kijima S., Hikida H., Delmont T.O., Gaïa M., Ogata H. Complex genomes of early giant viruses suggested by phylogenetic trees of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs). Tara Oceans Retreat [May 27-30, 2024, Nice, France, Poster presentation on May 28 by Ogata H.]
  • Meng L., Zhao H., Zhang L., Fang Y., Hikida H., Endo H., Okazaki Y., Ogata H., Investigating the diversity, ecology, and host range of mirusviruses through multiple types of data. Tara Oceans Retreat [May 27-30, 2024, Nice, France, Poster presentation on May 28 by Meng L.]

2023 口頭

  • Ogata H. Polar adaptation of giant viruses in the ocean. Ringberg Symposia on Giant Virus Biology [December 6-9, 2023, Tegernsee, Germany, Oral presentation on Dec. 8 by Ogata H.]
  • Hikida H., Mori T., Ogata H. Diversity of virocells formed by different giant viruses [December 6-9, 2023, Tegernsee, Germany, Oral presentation on Dec. 7 by Hikida H.]
  • Meng L. Mirusviruses link herpesviruses to giant viruses 第123回化学研究所研究発表会 [December 1, 2023, Oral presentation by Meng L.]
  • 疋田弘之, 緒方博之. 種分化の観点からみたミミウイルス間相互作用の解析. 微生物生態学会第36回大会 [November 28-30, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation on Nov. 29 by Hikida H.]
  • Zhao H., Zhang R., Wu J., Meng L., Okazaki Y., Ogata H. Discovery of endogenous giant virus in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: implications of a dsDNA virus infection in fungi. 微生物生態学会第36回大会 [November 28-30, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation on Nov. 29 by Zhao H.]
  • Chen J., Hikida H., Ogata H. Transcriptome of virophage reflects its infection to APMV. 微生物生態学会第36回大会 [November 28-30, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation on Nov. 29 by Chen J.]
  • Zhang L., Meng L., Fang Y., Ogata H., Okazaki Y. Exploring the diversity and dynamics of giant viruses in a deep lake through long-read metagenomics. 微生物生態学会第36回大会 [November 28-30, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation on Nov. 29 by Liwen Z.]
  • Liu W., Neches R.Y., Okazaki Y., Endo H., Ogata H. Towards understanding the potential host of giant viruses in mesopelagic layer. 微生物生態学会第36回大会 [November 28-30, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation on Nov. 29 by Liu W.]
  • Meng L. Discovery and characterization of ‘Mirusviricota’. 微生物生態学会第36回大会 [November 29, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation on Nov. 29 by Meng L.]
  • Okazaki Y. High-resolution microbial eco-genomics in deep freshwater lakes. 13th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology [November 30, 2023, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation by Okazaki Y] — invited talk
  • Meng L. The Evolutionary Bridge Between Giant Virus and Herpesvirus. 2023 International Young Scholars Forum – Virus Subforum [November 24, 2023, Shanghai, China, Oral presentation by Meng L.]
  • 緒方博之 海洋巨大ウイルスの生態と進化. OceanDNAテック2023 [November 1-2, 2023, 大気海洋研究所, Oral presentation on Nov. 1 by Ogata  H.] — invited talk
  • Okazaki Y., Nishikawa Y., Wagatsuma R., Takeyama H., Nakano S. Single-cell genomics uncovers microbial genomic microdiversity and virus-host interactions that had eluded high-resolution metagenomics. The Local Pangenome workshop [October 26, 2023, Alicante, Spain by Okazaki Y]
  • 緒方博之 常識外れの巨大ウイルスの生態・進化 ウイルス学若手研究集会2023 [September 29, 2023, 東北大学青葉山新キャンパス青葉山コモンズ, Oral presentation by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 遠藤寿, Wenwen Liu, 緒方 博之 定量的メタバーコーディングによる東部インド洋の真核プランクトン群集の水平・鉛直プロファイル. 日本海洋学会秋季大会シンポジウム「BioGeoSCAPES-Japanの始動」[September 28, 2023, 京都大学, Oral presentation by Endo H.]
  • 伴広輝, 遠藤寿, 桑田晃, 緒方博之 EukBank メタバーコーディングデータを⽤いたパルマ藻の全球規模海洋分布の解明 [September 25, 2023, 京都大学, Oral presentation by Ban H.]
  • 遠藤寿, 緒方博之 溶存態rRNAを指標としたプランクトン死滅溶解の推定 日本海洋学会秋季大会 [September 25, 2023, 京都大学, Oral presentation by Endo H.]
  • 緒方博之 ウイルス界への招待:ウイルスと私たち、ウイルスと地球環境 高槻中・高等学校授業 [September 20, 2023, 高槻中・高等学校, Oral presentation by Ogata H.] – invited talk
  • Ogata H., Lingjie M., Junyi Wu. Genomic insights into the evolution and adaptation of large DNA viruses. Confect Symposium 2023 – Marine Microbial Virus Ecology and Evolution [August 22-24, 2023. Bergan, Norway; Oral presentation on August 23 by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • Hikida H. Transcriptomic comparison of giant viruses to explore mechanisms underlying viral gigantism. Confect Symposium 2023 – Marine Microbial Virus Ecology and Evolution [August 22-24, 2023. Bergan, Norway; Oral presentation on August 23 by Hikida H.]
  • Okazaki Y., Nishikawa Y., Wagatsuma R., Takeyama H., Nakano S., Single cell genomics uncovered uncultured virus-host links in a deep freshwater lake. Symposium of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (SAME17) [August 20-25, 2023. Tartu, Estonia; Oral presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • 緒方博之 今まさに進化している「ウイルスの理解」微生物コンソーシアム第8回全体会 [July 18, 2023, 東京大学弥生講堂一条ホール, Oral presentation by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 緒方博之 海洋マイクロバイオーム 全球生物データに基づく海洋システム学の開拓と次世代育成. 海洋マイクロバイオームワークショップ [June 16, 2023, 京都大学化学研究所, Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 メタゲノム解析が明らかにする海洋巨大ウイルスの生態. 望月研・緒方研合同ワークショップ [June 14, 2023, 京都大学医生物学研究所, Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • 遠藤寿 海洋生態系を支える植物プランクトンの世界. 第18回 京都大学附置研究所・センターシンポジウム [March 4, 2023, 新潟県民会館, Oral presentation by Endo H.]

2023 ポスター

  • Zhang R., Hikida H., Shichino Y., Mito M., Iwasaki S., Ogata H. Translational dynamics and codon-tRNA mismatch in the infection of a giant virus [December 6-9, 2023, Tegernsee, Germany, Poster presentation on Dec. 6 by Zhang R.]
  • Liu W., Neches R.Y., Okazaki Y., Endo H., Ogata H., A large gap between the presence and activity of microeukaryotes in a deep sea environment. OceanDNAテック2023 [November 1-2, 2023, 大気海洋研究所, Poster presentation by Liu W.]
  • Meng L., Linking the unknown to known: Viral Orthologous Clusters (VOC) database. DICP研究交流会 [October 5, 2023, 日本科学未来館, Poster presentation by Meng L.]
  • 岡崎友輔, 大八木英夫, 程木義邦, 知北和久, 齋藤圭, 中野伸一 大水深淡水湖を対象とした微生物網羅的環境ゲノムデータベースの構築 日本陸水学会 第87回大会 [October 14, 2023, J:COM ホルトホール大分, Poster presentation by Okazaki Y]

2022 口頭

  • Ogata H., Meng L., Wu J., Garcia K.G., Kijima S. Giant viruses share their large gene pool via horizontal gene transfer. 35th JSME annual meeting [October 31-November 3, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan; Oral presentation on Nov. 3 by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • Zhang R., Takemura M., Murata K., Ogata H., Phylogenomic Analysis to Define the Taxonomic Classification of Medusaviruses Isolated in Japan. 35th JSME annual meeting [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Zhang R.]
  • Wu J., Meng L., Gaia M., Hikida H., Okazaki Y., Endo H., Ogata H., Detection of horizontal gene transfers among giant viruses. 35th JSME annual meeting [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Wu J.]
  • 伴広輝, 岡崎友輔, 遠藤寿, 緒方博之 MMETSPデータベースにおけるコンタミネーションの包括的解析 微生物生態学会第35回大会 [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Ban H.]
  • 遠藤寿, 片岡剛文, 緒方博之 海洋植物プランクトンの共生的相互作用が増殖動態に与える影響 微生物生態学会第35回大会 [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Hisashi H.]
  • Liu W., Xia J., Hisashima F., Ogawa H., Ogata H., Endo H., Horizontal and vertical profiling of plankton communities in the Eastern Indian Ocean., 35th JSME annual meeting [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Liu W.]
  • Yang Q., Yang Y., Fukuda H., Okazaki Y., Nagata T., Ogata H., Endo H., Characterization of sinking microeukaryote communities in spring Oyashio waters. 35th JSME annual meeting [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Yang Q.]
  • Xia J., Fang Y., Yang Q., Okazaki Y., Yoshida T., Nagasaki K., Hisashi E., Ogata H., The short-term variation of virus community in an enclosed bay of Japan. 35th JSME annual meeting [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Xia J.]
  • Meng L., Delmont T., Gaia M., Pelletier E., Fernàndez-Guerra A., Chaffron S., Wu J., Kaneko H., Endo H., Ogata H., Recurrent polar adaptations of giant viruses infecting eukaryotes. 35th JSME annual meeting [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Meng L.]
  • 疋田弘之, 緒方博之 異なる系統に属するミミウイルス間の相互作用解析 微生物生態学会第35回大会 [November 2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Hikida H.]
  • 岡崎友輔, 中野伸一, 豊田敦, 玉木秀幸 “湖の微生物生態系”を対象としたゲノム・多型・遺伝子発現の網羅的比較解析 微生物生態学会第35回大会 [November 1. 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Oral presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • 岡崎友輔, 中野伸一 湖沼深⽔層の細菌の⽣態学 日本陸水学会第86回大会, 課題講演 [September 2022, Oral presentation by Okazaki Y]
  • 遠藤寿「海洋生態系の仕組みを考える」高校生のための体験型科学講座 (京都大学ELCAS2022)【講義型】A [August 20, 2022, Kyoto, Japan, Oral presentation by Endo H.]
  • Okazaki Y., Nakano S., Toyoda A., Tamaki H. Long-read-resolved, ecosystem-wide exploration of nucleotide and structural microdiversity of lake bacterioplankton genomes. International 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME18) [August 14-19, 2022. Lausanne, Switzerland; Oral presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • Hikida H., Katsuma S. Baculovirus infection disrupts host tissue identity in middle silk glands of Bombyx mori. 2022 International Congress on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control & 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology [August 1-4, 2022, Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa (Online); Oral presentation by Hikida H.]
  • Garcia K., Kijima S., Wu J., Okazaki Y., Hikida H., Endo H., Ogata H. The huge viral gene pool is shared among Nucleocytoviricota through HGT. Luncheon Seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences, the University of Bergen [June 14, Bergen, Norway, Oral presentation by Ogata H. on June 14]
  • Demory D., Endo H., Ogata H. Temperature-dependent distributions of giant viruses infecting Micromonas.  Luncheon Seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences, the University of Bergen [June 16, Bergen, Norway, Oral presentation by Endo H. on June 16]
  • Kaneko H., Endo H., Nakamura R., Tomii K., Ogata H. Prediction of eukaryotic plankton community based on remote sensing data. Tara Retreat [June 7-10, 2022, Nice, France, Oral presentation by Ogata H. on June 9]
  • Henry N., Galand P.E., Salazar G., Budinich M., Bachy C., Delage E., Câmara dos Reis M., Kaneko H., Gaudin M., Lombard F., Ogata H., Acinas S.G., Wincker P., Eveillard D., Sunagawa S., Chaffron S., Jeanthon C., de Vargas C. Eco-evolutionary diversity of the global ocean microbiome across plankton size fraction. JOBIM2022 [July 5-8, 2022, Renne, France]
  • Endo H., Umezawa Y., Takeda S., Suzuki K. Spatial variation of haptophyte assemblages along the Kuroshio Current: Geographical source and ecological trait. Marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles: theory, observation and modeling, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2022 (JpGU2022) [May 22-27, 2022, Chiba, Japan, Oral presentation by Endo H, on May 23]
  • Yang Q., Endo H., Ogata H. Viruses associated with the carbon export efficiency. Greenocean workshop [May 18-19, 2022, Paris, France, Oral presentation by Ogata H. on May 18 – hybrid]
  • Ogata H. Viruses as part of Earth’s life system. The 12th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ASME2022) [April 17-19, 2022, Jeju Island, Korea, Oral presentation by Ogata H. on April 18] — invited talk
  • 緒方博之 海洋ウイルスと地球環境 公開シンポジウム「生物多様性からみたワイルドサイエンス」[February 26, 2022, online, Oral presentation by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 緒方博之 ウイルスは生命系・生態系に組み込まれた、切っても切り離せない、生き生きとした『部分』である. 東京理科大学教養教育研究院主催「知のフロンティア:ウイルスの世紀を生きる第3回~ウイルスとはどういう存在で、人類はどう付き合っていくべきか?」[February 24, 2022, online, Oral presentation by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 遠藤寿 遺伝学的情報を通して探る海洋植物プランクトン・ウイルス生態系 海洋生物シンポジウム2022 [March 19, 2022, Oral presentation by Endo H.]

2022 ポスター

  • Zhang R., Hikida H., Shichino Y., Mito M.,  Iwasaki S., Ogata H. Translation Landscape of a giant virus. Kyoto University Science Club Day 2022. [November 21, 2022, Kyoto, Japan, Poster presentation by Zhang R.]
  • Zhang L., Fang Y., Ogata H., Okazaki H., Spatio-temporal community genome dynamics of giant viruses in a deep lake uncovered by long-read metagenomics. 35th JSME annual meeting [November 1-2, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, Poster presentation by Zhang L.]
  • Hikida H., Okazaki Y., Zhang R., Ogata H. Rapid characterization of novel giant viruses using nanopore sequencing. VoM 2022 Conference [July 18-22, 2022, Guimarães, Portugal, Poster presentation by Hikida H. on July 19]
  • 伴広輝, 遠藤寿, 岡崎友輔, 緒方博之 MMETSP データベースにおけるコンタミネーション 日本
    藻類学会第 46 回大会 [March 28-30, 2022, Online, Poster presentation by Ban H.]

2021 口頭

  • 緒方博之 なんでもありのウイルス進化、だから難しい、だから面白い! 第六回微生物生態マラソンセミナー [December 15, 2021, Oral presentation by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 遠藤寿 海洋植物プランクトンの生物地理学的研究 第121回化学研究所研究発表会 [December 10, 2021, Oral presentation by Endo H.]
  • 遠藤寿 海洋巨大ウイルスの生物地理が明かす真核生物との相互作用と生態学的機能 第121回化学研究所研究発表会 [December 10, 2021, Oral presentation by Endo H.]
  • 疋田弘之, 岡﨑友輔, 緒方博之 ナノポアシークエンスを用いた新規巨大ウイルスの迅速同定法 日本共生生物学会第5回大会 [November 27, 2021, Oral presentation by Hikida H.]
  • 岡崎友輔, 中野伸一, 豊田敦, 玉木秀幸 ロングリード解析で拓くメタゲノムビニングの限界と環境細菌ゲノムの微小多様性 微生物生態学会第34回大会 [October 31, 2021, Oral presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • 小林実桜, 松村和樹, 増田りさ, 緒方博之, 武村 政春 巨大ウイルスの一種Medusavirus sthenoの持つヒストン様タンパク質H3-H4 の精製ならびに動態解析による姉妹株との比較. 微生物生態学会第34回大会 [October 31, 2021, Oral presentation by Kobayashi M.]
  • 岡崎友輔, 藤永承平, ⽥中敦, ⾼津⽂⼈, ⼤⼋⽊英夫, 中野伸一 湖内および湖間の細菌のゲノム多様性の解明 日本陸水学会85回大会 [September 22, 2021, Online; Oral presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • 遠藤 寿 分子手法を用いた海洋プランクトン生態系の評価 ベントス・プランクトン合同大会2021シンポジウム〜次世代プランクトン研究を開拓する新技術・方法論〜 [September 20, 2021, Online; Oral presentation by Endo H.]
  • Okazaki Y. Ecogenomics of bacteria and viruses in the water column of Lake Biwa. 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology [August 24, 2021.Oral presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • Ban H., Sato S., Yoshikawa S., Yamada K., Nakamura Y., Ichinomiya M., Endo H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Kuwata A., Ogata H. The genome biology of Parmales(Bolidophyceae), a sister group of diatoms. Molecular Life of Diatoms 6 [July 12-14, 2021, Online; Poster presentation by Ban H.]
  • Jun Xia, Sohiko Kameyama, Florian Prodinger, Takashi Yoshida, Kyoung-Ho Cho, Jinyoung Jung, Sung-Ho Kang, Eun-Jin Yang, Hiroyuki Ogata, Hisashi Endo.Characteristics and association of microbial eukaryotic and Mimiviridae communities in the Beaufort Sea.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June27-July1,2021,Kyoto(Online);Oral presentation on July1 by Xia J.]
  • Lingjie Meng, Hisashi Endo, Romain Blanc-Mathieu, Samuel Chaffron, Rodrigo Hernandez-Velazquez, Hiroto Kaneko, Hiroyuki Ogata.Who infects whom? Assessment of Co-occurrence Methods for NCLDV-Host Interactions.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June27-July1,2021,Kyoto(Online);Oral presentation on June 30 by Meng L.]
  • Hisashi Endo, Romain Blanc-Mathieu, Hiroyuki Ogata.Pole-to-pole biogeography of marine giant viruses and their role in biogeochemical cycles.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June27-July1,2021,Kyoto(Online);Oral presentation on June 30 by Endo H.]
  • Hiroto Kaneko, Blanc-Mathieu Romain, Hisashi Endo, Hiroyuki Ogata.The association of marine viruses and carbon cycle revealed by a large omics dataset.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June27-July1,2021,Kyoto(Online);Oral presentation on June 29 by kaneko H.]
  • Ruixuan Zhang, Hisashi Endo, Masaharu Takemura, Hiroyuki Ogata. RNA-seq of medusavirus reveals temporal viral gene expression profile and remodeling of the host nucleus.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June27-July1,2021,Kyoto(Online);Oral presentation on June 29 by Zhang R.]
  • Hikida H., Matsuda-Imai N., Katsuma S. bv/odv-e26 is required for virus-induced host behavioral manipulation in lepidopteran nucleopolyhedroviruses. 2021 International Congress on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control & 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology [July 2, 2021, Tours, Loire Valley, France (Online); Oral presentation by Hikida H.]
  • 疋田弘之 第29回 原生生物・寄生虫・進化セミナー at Online
    「バキュロウイルスはいかにしてカイコの行動を操るか」[On June 11, 17:00-18:00 by Hikida H.]
  • 遠藤 寿, 緒方 博之 海洋巨大ウイルスの地理分布と物質循環における役割 北海道大学低温科学研究所 令和2年度共同利用研究集会「寒冷圏大気—海洋間の生物地球化学的相互作用に関する研究集会」[March 29, 2021, Hokkaido (Online); Oral presentation on March 29 by Endo H.]
  • Endo H. Round Table : Academic challenges and opportunities for early career researchers approaching SDGs [March 24, 2021, Online; Presentation and panel discussion by Endo H.] — invited talk
  • 伴 広輝, 桑田 晃, 中村 洋路, 佐藤 晋也, 吉川 伸哉, 山田 和正, 一宮 睦雄, 緒方 博之 シリカ被殻を持つ真核藻類: パルマ藻・珪藻 の比較ゲノム解析 日本藻類学会第45回大会 [March 15–17, 2021, Tokyo (Online); Oral presentation on March 16 by Ban H.]

2021 ポスター

  • Kobayashi M., Matsumura K., Masuda R., Ogata H., Takemura M. Purification of Medusavirus stheno histone-like protein H3-H4 and the comparison with sister strain by kinetic analysis of infected cells. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan [December 2, 2021; Poster presentation by Kobayashi M.]
  • Garcia K., Okazaki Y., Endo H., Ogata H. Detecting recombination signals between giant viruses using metagenomic data. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan [December 3, 2021; Poster presentation by Garcia K.]
  • 疋田 弘之, 岡﨑 友輔, 緒方 博之 ナノポアシークエンスによる巨大ウイルスゲノムの解析手法評価 The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan [December 3, 2021, Poster presentation by Hikida H.]
  • 片岡剛文, 遠藤寿 細菌捕食性従属栄養鞭毛虫(HNF)の細胞濃縮方法の検討. 微生物生態学会第34回大会 [October 31, 2021, Poster presentation by Kataoka T.]
  • Kimberly Gacayon Garcia, Koki Yoshida, Aoki Keita, Hisashi Endo, Masaharu Takemura, Hiroyuki Ogata. Recombination between genomes of giant virus Marseilleviridae.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June29,2021,Kyoto(Online);Poster presentation by Garcia.K]
  • Soichiro Kijima, Tom O Delmont, Urara Miyazaki, Morgan Gaia, Endo Hisashi, Hiroyuki Ogata. Myosin genes in NCLDVs: their complex origins and putative functions.10th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June29,2021,Kyoto(Online);Poster presentation by Kijima S.]

2020 口頭

  • 金子博人, Romain Blanc-Mathieu, 遠藤 寿, 緒方 博之 TARAメタオミクスデータから解き明かすRNAウイルスと炭素循環の関わり 第一回ウイルス生態学セミナー「~内なるRNAウイルスの生きざまを見よ」 [December 3, 2020, Tsukuba University; Oral presentation by 金子博人] — invited talk
  • 木島壮一朗, 宮崎うらら, Delmont T., 遠藤寿, 緒方博之Discovery of virmyosin of NCLDV and Analysis of its phylogeny. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan [December 4, 2020, Online; Oral presentation by 木島壮一朗]
  • Endo H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Li Y., Salazar G., Henry N., Labadie K., de Vargas C., Sullivan M.B., Bowler C., Wincker P., Karp-Boss L., Sunagawa S., Ogata H. ISME Virtual Microbial Ecology Summit [November 11, 2020, Online; Oral presentation by Endo H.]— invited talk
  • Zhang R., Yoshida K., Garcia K., Endo H., Takemura M., Ogata H. Medusavirus transcriptome & the genome characterization of a new medusavirus strain. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2020 [September 4, 2020, Online; Oral presentation by Zhang R.] — 最優秀学生講演賞
  • 木島壮一朗, 宮崎うらら, Delmont T., 遠藤寿, 緒方博之 Discovery of virmyosin of NCLDV and Analysis of its phylogeny. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2020 [September 4, 2020, Online; Oral presentation by 木島壮一朗]

2020 ポスター

  • Zhang R., Endo H., Takemura M., Ogata H. Medusavirus Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Temporal Gene Expression Patterns and Alteration of Host Transcriptional Landscape.43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan,MBSJ2020 [December 3, 2020 Online; Poster presentation by Ruixuan Zhang]
  • Garcia K., Yoshida K., Aoki K., Endo H., Takemura M., Ogata H. Shuffling Giants: Genome recombination between giant viruses isolated in Japan. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan,MBSJ2020 [December 2-4,2020, Online; Poster presentation by Garcia K.]
  • 橋本謙太郎, 西山拓輝, 永井知行, 櫻井俊治, 緒方博之 Biomarker discovery based on diversity analysis, decision tree and functional analysis between patients with nivolumab-derived irAE colitis and ulcerative colitis. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan,MBSJ2020 [December 3, 2020, Online; Poster presentation by 橋本謙太郎]
  • 朱梦迪, 緒方博之 ウイルス-宿主関係を記述したデータベースVirus-Host DB. トーゴーの日シンポジウム2020 [October 10, 2020, Online; Poster presentation by 朱梦迪]
  • 橋本謙太郎, 西山拓輝, 櫻井俊治, 永井知行, 緒方博之 ニボルマブ由来のirAE大腸炎患者と潰瘍性大腸炎患者間における腸内細菌叢の比較解析 第9回⽣命医薬情報学連合⼤会(IIBMP2020)[September 1-3, 2020, Online; Poster presentation on Sept 1 by 橋本謙太郎]
  • 金子博人, 富井健太郎, 中村良介, 遠藤寿, 緒方博之 深層学習を利用した人工衛星によるリモートセンシングに基づく海洋微生物組成予測法の開発 第9回⽣命医薬情報学連合⼤会(IIBMP2020)[September 1-3, 2020, Online; Poster presentation on Sept 2 by 金子博人]
  • 金子博人, 富井健太郎, 中村良介, 遠藤寿, 緒方博之 宇宙から海洋生態系を観測する:リモセン × メタゲノム 生命情報科学若手の会 第12回研究会 [August 27-28, 2020, Online; Poster presentation with short talk by 金子博人] — 優秀発表賞

2019 口頭

  • 金子博人, Blanc-Mathieu R., 遠藤 寿, 緒方博之. 海洋ウイルスと地球の炭素循環:TARAオミクスデータの解析による発見. インテリジェントバイオインフォマティクス研究チームセミナー [December 20, 2019, AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Tokyo; Oral presentation by 金子博人]
  • Ogata H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Kaneko H., Endo H. Global genetic data reveal lineages of giant viruses and other eukaryotic viruses associated with the carbon export efficiency. 4th Ringberg Symposium on Giant Virus Biology [November 17-29, 2019, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, Germany, Oral presentation on Nov 19 by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 宮崎うらら, Delmont T., 遠藤 寿, Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之. 海洋巨大ウイルスにおける新規補助代謝遺伝子の探索. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2019 [November 2, 2019, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation by 宮崎うらら]
  • Meng L., Endo H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H. NCLDV host prediction with marker gene co-occurrence analysis in marine metagenomes. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2019 [November 2, 2019, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation by Meng L.] — 優秀研究賞
  • 吉田亘騎, 武村政春, 遠藤 寿., Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之. 京都府南部水系からの新規マルセイユウイルス株の分離と今後の比較ゲノム解析. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2019 [November 2, 2019, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation by 吉田亘騎]
  • Prodinger F., Endo H., Takano Y., Li Y., Tominaga K., Isozaki T., Blanc-Mathieu R., Gotoh Y., Nagasaki Keizo., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Exploring community changes of bloom forming eukaryotic phytoplankton and Megaviridae in Uranouchi Inlet, Japan. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2019 [November 2, 2019, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation by Prodinger F.]
  • 富永賢人, 山本圭吾, 緒方博之, 左子芳彦, 吉田天士. 大阪湾での経時的動態観測で探る海洋微生物-ウイルス群集相互作用. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2019 [November 2, 2019, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation by 富永賢人]
  • 金子博人, Blanc-Mathieu R., 遠藤寿, 緒方博之. 真核生物プランクトンに感染するウイルスと沈降粒子による炭素輸送の効率との地球規模での関連. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2019 [November 2, 2019, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation by 金子博人]
  • Endo H., Li Y., Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H. Global biogeography of giant viruses highlights their interplay with eukaryotic community. 日本海洋学会2019年秋季大会 [September 25-29, 2019, Toyama International Conference Center; Oral presentation on September 26 by Endo. H.]
  • Kaneko H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Ogata H. The abundance profile of eukaryotic plankton viruses could predict global ocean carbon export efficiency. 第8回 生命医薬情報連合大会(IIBMP) [September 9 – 11, 2019, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Oral presentation on September 10 by Kaneko H.]
  • 岡崎友輔, 西村陽介, 吉田天士, 緒方博之, 中野伸一. メタゲノム解析でひも解く淡水湖のファージの多様性と生態. 日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会 [September 10-13, 2019, Yamanashi University, Oral presentation on September 11, by 岡崎友輔]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Dahle H., Ogata H., Sandaa R.-H. A persistent algal virus with an unprecedented amount of metabolic genes. 日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会 [September 10-13, 2019, Yamanashi University, Oral presentation on September 11, by Blanc-Mathieu R.]
  • 富永賢人, 緒方博之, 吉田天士. 未分離の海洋性Bacteroidetes門細菌感染ウイルスの生物情報学的探索. 日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会 [September 10-13, 2019, Yamanashi University, Oral presentation on September 11, by 富永賢人]
  • 礒崎達大, 富永賢人, 山本圭吾, 左子芳彦, 緒方博之, 吉田天士. シアノウイルス-宿主相互作用解明に向けた海洋シアノバクテリアの高純度分手法の確立. 日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会 [September 10-13, 2019, Yamanashi University, Oral presentation on September 11, by 礒崎達大]
  • Prodinger F., Endo H., Li Y., Tominaga K., Isozaki T., Gotoh Y., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Linking seasonal dynamics of Megaviridae and bloom forming eukaryotic phytoplankton in Uranouchi inlet, Japan. 日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会 [September 10-13, 2019, Yamanashi University, Oral presentation on September 11, by Prodinger F.] — Best Presentation Award
  • Ogata H. Eukaryotic giant viruses: update on their evolution, diversity and ecology. ELSI Thermophiles seminar – Microbes from the Hadean Hel [August 30, 2019, ELSI, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Oral presentation] — invited talk
  • Ogata H. Prediction of viruses enhancing the biological carbon pump. Neo-Virology Informatics Workshop [August 29, 2019, JAMSTEC Tokyo Office; Oral presentation]
  • Kaneko H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Ogata H. Analysis of Tara Oceans omics data reveals eukaryotic plankton viruses related to carbon export flux and efficiency. 19th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology [July 14-17, 2019, Kyoto University; Oral presentation on July 15 by Kaneko H.]
  • Prodinger F., Endo H., Li Y., Tominaga K., Tatsuhiro I., Gotoh Y., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Seasonal dynamics of a proposed group of giant viruses and bloom forming eukaryotic phytoplankton. 19th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology [July 14-17, 2019, Kyoto University; Oral presentation on July 17 by Prodinger F.]
  • Ogata H. Do viruses enhance the carbon export down to the deep ocean? Gordon Research Conference – Applied and Environmental Microbiology: Shaping the Earth’s Microverse [July 14-19, 2019, Mt. Holyoke College; Oral presentation on July 15 by Ogata H.] — invited talk
  • 緒方博之. 地球規模海洋オミクスデータに基づく巨大ウイルスと生物炭素ポンプの関係の解明. 第2回感染症診断と治療におけるゲノム解析 [March 15, 2019, 東海大学伊勢原キャンパス; Oral presentation] — invited talk
  • 遠藤寿. 大規模観測とメタゲノム解析による海洋微生物の多様性研究. メタオミクスワークショップ in 京都 2019 [March 11, 京都大学薬学部藤多記念ホール; Oral presentation on March 11 by Endo H.] — invited talk
  • Endo H., Li Y., Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H. Global distribution of nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses in the Ocean. ASLO 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting [February 23-March 2, 2019, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Oral presentation on February 25 by Endo H.]

2019 ポスター

  • 伴広輝, Romain Blanc-Mathieu, 桑田晃, 佐藤晋也, 吉川伸哉, 一宮睦雄, 緒方博之. パルマ藻・珪藻の祖先的形質の解明に向けた比較ゲノム解析. 日本微生物生態学会 第33回大会 [September 10-13, 2019, Yamanashi University, Poster presentation on September 12, by 伴広輝]
  • Miyazaki U., Delmont T., Endo H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H. A Preliminary Metagenomic Study towards Discovering Novel Auxiliary Metabolic Genes in Marine Large Viruses. 19th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology [July 14 – 17, 2019, Kyoto University; Poster presentation on July 15,17 by Miyazaki U.]
  • Ban H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Kuwata A., Yoshikawa S., Sato S., Ichinomiya M., Ogata H. Looking for ancestral genomic features in Parmales algae: the sister group of diatoms. 19th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology [July 14 – 17, 2019, Kyoto University; Poster presentation on July 15,17 by Ban H.]

2018 口頭

  • 黒西愛, Blanc-Mathieu R., 遠藤寿, 五斗進, 緒方博之. 配列類似性に基づいたウイルスゲノム自動分類法. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2018 [October 27, 2018, Kyoto University; Oral and poster presentation by 黒西愛]
  • Kaneko H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Ogata H. Regression analysis using global ocean metagenomes revealed the contribution of eukaryotic viruses to carbon export. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2018 [October 27, 2018, Kyoto University; Oral and poster presentation by Kaneko H.]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Dahle H., Brandt D., Ogata H., Sandaa R.-A. Prymnesium kappa Virus RF01: A deep branching Mimiviridae encoding a large number of metabolic genes. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2018 [October 27, 2018, Kyoto University; Oral and poster presentation by Blanc-Mathieu R.]
  • 吉川元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 望月智弘, Chihong Song, 村田和義, 緒方博之, 武村政春. アカントアメーバに感染する新規ウイルスMedusavirus のゲノム解析. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2018 [October 27, 2018, Kyoto University; Oral and poster presentation by 吉川元貴]
  • Yoshikawa G., Blanc-Mathieu R., Song C., Mochizuki T., Murata K., Ogata H., Takemura M. Genomic characterization of Medusavirus, a new giant virus infecting Acanthamoeba. International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB) [July 16-18, 2018, Boston University; Oral presentation on July 18 and poster presentation on July 17 by Yoshikawa G.]
  • Kuronishi M., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Goto S., and Ogata H. Development of viral genome classification method based on sequence similarity. International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2018 [July 16-18, 2018, Boston; Oral and Poster presentation July 17 by Kuronishi M.]
  • Sandaa R.-A., Lawrence J., Blanc-Mathieu R., Dahle H., Steen I.H., Ogata H.Diversity of marine prymnesioviruses and their strategies for stable co-existence with their phytoplankton hosts. EMBO Workshop Viruses of Microbes 2018 (July 9-13, Wroclaw, Poland, Oral presentation by Sandaa R.-A., July 12).
  • Ogata H., Yoshikawa G., Chihong S., Blanc-Mathieu R., Mochizuki T., Murata K., Takemura M. A giant virus from a freshwater environment with a full set of histone genes. 9th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June 17-21, 2018, Lincoln, USA, Oral presentation by Ogata H., June 18].
  • Sandaa R.-A., Lawrence J., Blanc-Mathieu R., Dahle H., Steen I.H., Ogata H.Reluctant affaires — algal virus-haptophyte relatioship in the ocean.9th Aquatic Virus Workshop [June 17-21, 2018, Lincoln, USA, Oral presentation by Sandaa R.-A.., June 21].
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Kaneko H., Velázquez R.H., Endo H., Ogata H. Viruses of the eukaryotic plankton: insight into their diversity, host range and role in carbon export. 2018 JSME annual meeting & 10th ASME [July 11-13, 2018, Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan; Oral presentation on July 12th by Blanc-Mathieu. R]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Kaneko H., Velázquez R.H., Endo H., Ogata H. Eukaryotic viruses in Tara Oceans samples: Insight into their diversity and role in carbon export. Rinkai Hackathon 2018 [June 10-13, 2018, Fukuyama Castle and Mukaishima Marine Biological Laboratory, Hiroshima University; invited lecture on June 10th by Blanc-Mathieu. R]
  • ⾦⼦博⼈, Blanc-Mathieu R., 遠藤寿, 緒⽅博之 Network analysis reveals the relationship between eukaryotic viruses and the biological carbon pump. 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation with poster on March 7 by ⾦⼦博⼈]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., ⾦⼦博⼈, Velázquez R.H., 遠藤寿, 緒⽅博之 Actors of the biological pump: are viruses involved in the process? 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Oral presentation on March 7 by Blanc-Mathieu R.]

2018 ポスター

  • Kato Y., Nishiyama H., Endo H., Ogata H. Dissecting the association between gut microbiota and diseases through co-occurrence network analysis. 第41回日本分子生物学会年会 [November 28-30, 2018, Yokohama; Poster presentation November 29 by Kato Y.]
  • 青木啓太, 吉川元気, Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之, 武村政春. 真核生物と同じ5種類のヒストン遺伝子を持つ新規巨大ウイルスAcanthamoeba castellanii medusavirusの解析. 第41回日本分子生物学会年会 [November 28-30, 2018, Yokohama; Poster presentation November 28 by Aoki K.]
  • Prodinger F., Yanze L., Morimoto D., Omae K., Tominaga K., Gotoh Y., Takano Y., Nagasaki K., Hingamp P., Endo H., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Optimization of a metabarcoding method for a major group of giant viruses in the environment. Workshop on Environmental Viruses [October 27, 2018, Kyoto University; Oral and poster presentation by Prodinger F.]
  • Okazaki Y., Nishimura Y., Ogata H., Yoshida T., Nakano S. Comprehensive viromics uncovered the diverse viral community in a deep freshwater lake. ISME17 [August 12-17, 2018, Leipzig; Poster presentation by Okazaki Y.]
  • Kaneko H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Ogata H. Using global metagenomes to unravel the role of viruses in carbon export. 2018 JSME annual meeting & 10th ASME [July 11-13, 2018, Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan; Poster presentation on July 12th by Kaneko. H]
  • Castillo Y.M., Mangot J.-F., Benites F., Ogata H., Kuronishi M, Logares R., Massana R., Sebastian M., Vaque D. Single cell genomics for the detection of viral signatures in uncultured marine Stramenopiles. EMBO Workshop Viruses of Microbes 2018 [July 9-13, 2018, Wroclow, Poland; Poster presentation by Castillo Y.M.]
  • 金子博人, Blanc-Mathieu R., 遠藤寿, 緒方博之 Relationship between marine eukaryotic viruses and the global carbon export: network and regression analysis. 新学術領域「ネオウイルス学」第4回領域班会議 [April 14, 2018, Geisei, Kochi; Poster presentation by 金子博人]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Kaneko H., Yoshikawa G., Endo H., Ogata H. Uncovering the diversity of marine large DNA viruses infecting protists and fingering out the ones involved in carbon export. 2018 DOE JGI User Meeting [March 13-16, San Francisco, USA; Poster presentation on March 14 by Blanc-Mathieu R.]
  • 李岩沢, Hingamp H., 綿井博康, Blanc-Mathieu R., 吉⽥天⼠, 緒⽅博之 Assessing the diversity of the Megaviridae giant viruses based on DNA polymerase gene. 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation on March 5 by 李岩沢]
  • 吉川元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 望⽉智弘, Song C., 村⽥和義, 緒⽅博之, 武村政春, NCLDVに属する新規巨⼤ウイルスAcanthamoeba castellanii medusavirusのゲノム解析 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation on March 5 by 吉川元貴]
  • 荒巻拓哉, Blanc-Mathieu R., 遠藤寿, 五⽃進, ⾦久實, 緒⽅博之 隠れマルコフモデルによるホモロジー検索に基づくタンパク質機能推定法 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation on March 6 by 荒巻拓哉]
  • ⻄⼭拓輝, 永井知⾏, 櫻井俊治, 緒⽅博之 膵酵素補充療法が腸内細菌叢に及ぼす影響の評価 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation with short talk on March 6 by ⻄⼭拓輝]
  • Prodinger F., 李岩沢, 森本⼤地, ⼤前公保, 富永賢⼈, Hingamp P., 吉⽥天⼠, 後藤康宏, 緒⽅博之 Optimization of a DNA barcode method for a giant virus family. 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation with short talk on March 6 by Prodinger F.]
  • ⿊⻄愛, Blanc-Mathieu R.,遠藤寿, 五⽃進, 緒⽅博之 配列類似性に基づいたウイルスゲノム分類⽅法の開発 第12回日本ゲノム微生物学会年会 [March 5-7, 2018, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation with short talk on March 7 by ⿊⻄愛]

2017 口頭

  • 緒方博之 海洋ウイルス:どこから来て、何をしているのか?第33回国際生物学賞記念シンポジウム [December 5-6, 2017, つくば国際会議場; Oral presentation on December 6 by Ogata H.]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Kaneko H., Yoshikawa G., Ogata H. Diversity and ecological role of giant viruses in the sunlit ocean. ConBio2017, The Dawn of Giant Virus Biology [December 6-9, 2017, Kobe, Japan; Oral presentation on December 6th by Blanc-Mathieu R.]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Li Y., Kaneko H., Endo H., Ogata H. Diversity and biogeography of marine giruses and their association with the biological carbon pump. The 3rd Ringberg Symposium on Giant Virus Biology [November 19-22, 2017, Ringberg Castle, Germany; Oral presentation on November 21 by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H. Multi-omics approach to assess viral impact on marine plankton. KAUST Global Ocean Genome Workshop (KAUST, Saudi Arabia, October 29 to November 1, 2017, presentation on Oct. 30)
  • 緒方博之 何故に今頃ネオウイルス学? 環境微生物系学会合同大会2017 [August 29-31, 2017, Tohoku University; Oral presentation August 29 by Ogata H.]
  • 武村政春, Song C., 望月智弘, 吉川元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之, 村田和義 温泉の底質泥から分離した新規巨大ウイルスについて. 環境微生物系学会合同大会2017 [August 29-31, 2017, Tohoku University; Oral presentation August 31 by Takemura M.]
  • 吉川元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 望月智弘, Song C., 村田和義, 緒方博之, 武村 政春 巨大ウイルス群NCLDVに属する新規ウイルスOVのゲノム解析. 環境微生物系学会合同大会2017 [August 29-31, 2017, Tohoku University; Oral presentation August 31 by Yoshikawa G.]
  • 吉川 元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之, 山田隆 カンキツかいよう病菌に感染するファージXacN1 のゲノム解析. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2017 [August 28, 2017, Tohoku University; Oral presentation by Yoshikawa G.]
  • 黒西愛, Blanc-Mathieu R., 五斗進, 緒方博之 ウイルス分類体系のゲノム類似性指標による評価. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2017 [August 28, 2017, Tohoku University; Oral presentation by Kuronishi M.]
  • Li Y., Hingamp P., Watai H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Characterizing the diversity of Megaviridae. JSME Environmental Virus Meeting 2017 [August 28, 2017, Tohoku University; Oral presentation by Li Y.]
  • 緒方博之, Blanc-Mathieu R., Hingamp P., 西村陽介, 李岩沢, 吉田天士 マルチオミクス解析が明らかにする海洋ウイルスの多様性と存在意義. 日本進化学会第19回大会 [August 24-26, 2017, Kyoto University; Oral presentation August 24 by Ogata H.]
  • Li Y., Hingamp P., Watai H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Comparison of giant virus diversity across ecosystem 17th International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB 17) [July 23–28, 2017, Berlin; Oral and poster presentation July 24 by Li Y.]
  • Ogata H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Hingamp P., Nishimura Y., Li Y., Yoshida T. Towards unveiling pivotal roles of viruses in marine ecosystems. The 73rd Fujihara Seminar, International Conference “Molecular Life of Diatoms” [July 9-13, 2017, Kobe; Oral presentation July 13 by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H. Biodiversity of marine plankton revealed by Tara Oceans’ eco-systems approach. Tara Coral Conference [April 24-25, 2017, National Taiwan Ocean University; Oral presentation April 24 by Ogata H.]

2017 ポスター

  • Kaneko H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Ogata H. Relationship between viruses and biological carbon pump revealed by Tara Oceans omics data. International Workshop on Microbes in Hostile Environments [December 4, 2017, Uji Campus, Kyoto University; Poster presentation by Kaneko H.]
  • Sandaa R.-A., Johannessen T., Lawrence J., Ogata H., Blanc-Mathieu R. Diversity of novel viruses infecting haptophytes. The 3rd Ringberg Symposium on Giant Virus Biology [November 19-22, Ringberg Castle, Germany; Poster presentation on November 20 by Sandaa R.-A.]
  • Takemura M., Yoshikawa G., Song C., Mochizuki T., Blanc-Mathieu R., Murata K., Ogata H. 温泉の底質泥から分離した新規巨大ウイルスは新たなNVLDVファミリーを形成する. 第65回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 [October 24-26, 2017, Osaka International Convention Center; Poster presentation October 25 by Takemura M.]
  • Aramaki T., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Goto S., Kanehisa M., Ogata H. Protein function annotation by hidden Markov model. 第6回生命医薬情報学連合大会(IIBMP2017) [September 27-29, 2017, Hokkaido University; Poster presentation September 27 by Aramaki T.]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Kaneko H., Yoshikawa G., Ogata H. Biogeography of nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses in the ocean. 第6回生命医薬情報学連合大会(IIBMP2017) [September 27-29, 2017, Hokkaido University; Poster presentation September 27 by Endo H.]
  • 李岩沢, Hingamp P., 綿井博康, Blanc-Mathieu R., 吉田天士, 緒方博之 Species diversity of the giant virus family Megaviridae. 環境微生物系学会合同大会2017 [August 29-31, 2017, Tohoku University; Poster presentation August 29 by Li Y.]
  • 黒西愛, Tuan Watie binti Tuan Mat, Nurshahira binti Yusuf, Romain Blanc-Mathieu, 五斗進, 緒方博之 ウイルス分類体系はゲノム類似性を反映しているか? 環境微生物系学会合同大会2017 [August 29-31, 2017, Tohoku University; Poster presentation August 30 by Kuronishi M.]
  • Kaneko H., Blanc-Mathieu R., Endo H., Ogata H. Analysis of the correlation between eukaryotic viruses and the carbon export using ocean microbiome metagenome. 第54回生命科学夏の学校 [September 1-3, 2017, Takashima, Shiga; Poster presentation September 3 by Kaneko H.]
  • Li Y., Watai H., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Characterizing the diversity of giant viruses in Osaka Bay. Advanced Genome Science International Symposium: The Start of New Genomics. [Janunary 10 – 11, Tokyo; Poster presentation January 10 by Li Y.]

2016 口頭

  • 緒方博之 遺伝子科学の昨今、生物学からのアプローチ. 2016年度日仏会館科学シンポジウム「遺伝子の科学」[December 3, 2016, 日仏会館ホール; Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H. Extreme diversity, high abundance and activities of giant viruses in the sea. The 39th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan [November 30, 2016 – Dec 2, Yokohama; Oral presentation December 2 by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 アメーバウイルス研究がもたらしたンパクト. 日本微生物生態学会年会 (Oct 22-25, 2016, 横須賀, Oral presentation Oct 24).
  • 西村陽介, 吉田天士, 緒方博之, 五斗進 環境ウイルスゲノムの自動分類法. ファージ・環境ウイルス研究会合同シンポジウム [October 21-22, 2016, JAMSTEC横浜本部; Oral presentation October 22 西村陽介]
  • 綿井博康, 西村陽介, 五斗進, 緒方博之, 左子芳彦, 吉田天士 Diversity of the Bacteroidetes viruses through analysis of 48 new genera. ファージ・環境ウイルス研究会合同シンポジウム [October 21-22, 2016, JAMSTEC横浜本部; Oral presentation October 22 綿井博康]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Yoshikawa G., Ogata H. Pan-ocean meta-transcriptomic analysis of nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses. ファージ・環境ウイルス研究会合同シンポジウム [October 21-22, 2016, JAMSTEC横浜本部; Poster presentation October 21 by Blanc-Mathieu R.]
  • 吉川元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之, 山田隆 多数のtRNAをコードする大型ファージXacN1のゲノム解析. ファージ・環境ウイルス研究会合同シンポジウム [October 21-22, 2016, JAMSTEC横浜本部; Poster presentation October 21 by 吉川元貴]
  • Ogata H. Tara Oceans expedition and giant viruses in marine ecosystems. Biodiversity and Chemical Biology of Marine and Terrestrial Life in the Philippine Region [October 16-20, 2016, Bohol, Philippines; Oral presentation October 17 by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 ウイルスは生命か?-巨大ウイルスを中心に-. 第56回生物物理若手の会夏の学校 [September 2-5, 2016,支笏湖ユースホステル; Oral presentation September 4 by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 海洋巨大ウイルスの多様性と宿主予測. 水圏微生物研究フォーラム [August 9-10, 2016,東京大学大気海洋研究所; Oral presentation August 9 by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 海洋ウイルス:環境ゲノムから見る多様性・相互作用・分布. 日本海洋学会2016年度春季大会 [March 14-18, 2016,東京大学本郷キャンパス; Oral presentation March 17 by Ogata H.]
  • Yoshikawa G., Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H. Global meta-transcriptomic analysis of nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses in the sea. 16th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB 16) [August 7-10, 2016, Tokyo; Oral presentation August 10 by Yoshikawa G.]
  • Nishiyama H., Goto S., Nagai T., Okazaki Y., Sakurai T., Ogata H. The effect of Lipacreon and Elental on mouse gut microbiota. 16th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB 16) [August 7-10, 2016, Tokyo; Oral presentation August 9 by Nishiyama H.]
  • Mihara T., Nishimura Y., Nishiyama H., Goto S., Ogata H. Virus-host database: a manually curated resource for viral host prediction. 8th Aquatic Virus Workshop [July 10-13, 2016, Plymouth, UK; Oral presentation July 13by Ogata H.]

2016 ポスター

  • Li Y., Watai H., Hingamp P., Yoshida T., Ogata H. Amplicon analysis of Megaviridae DNA polymerase gene. The 116th ICR Annual Symposium [December 2, 2016, Kyoto University; Poster presentation by Li Y.]
  • Nishiyama H., Goto S., Nagai T., Okazaki Y., Sakurai T., Ogata H. Investigation of gut microbiota alternation by elemental diet and pancrelipase. 第39回日本分子生物学会年会 [November 30 & December 1-2, 2016, Yokohama; Poster presentation on December 2 by Nishiyama H.]
  • 西村陽介, 吉田天士, 緒方博之, 五斗進 あなたのウイルスゲノムを分類します. 日本微生物生態学会年会 [October 22-25, 2016, 横須賀; Poster presentation October 23-24 西村陽介]
  • 吉川元貴, Blanc-Mathieu R., 緒方博之, 山田隆 カンキツかいよう病菌に感染する大型ファージXacN1のゲノム解析による特徴づけ. 日本微生物生態学会年会 [October 22-25, 2016, 横須賀; Poster presentation October 23-24 吉川元貴]
  • 綿井博康, 西村陽介, 山本圭吾, 五斗進, 緒方博之, 左子芳彦, 吉田天士 genomic-OTUを用いたメタゲノム解析による海洋ウイルスの季節変動. 日本微生物生態学会年会 [October 22-25, 2016, 横須賀; Poster presentation 綿井博康 October 23-24]
  • Nishiyama H., Goto S., Nagai T., Okazaki Y., Sakurai T., Ogata H. Mouse gut microbiota composition is altered by elemental diet and pancrelipase treatment. 日本微生物生態学会年会 [October 22-25, 2016, 横須賀; Poster presentation October 23-24 by Nishiyama H.]
  • Yoshikawa G., Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H., Yamada T. A preliminary characterization of the genome of XacN1, a giant phage infecting the citrus canker agent Xanthomonas citri. Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2016 [September 29 – October 1, 2016, Odaiba; Poster presentation September 29 by Yoshikawa G.]
  • Nishiyama H., Goto S., Nagai T., Okazaki Y., Sakurai T., Ogata H. Investigation of mouse gut microbiota affected by Elental and Lipacreon. Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2016 [September 29 – October 1, 2016, Odaiba, Poster presentation by Nishiyama H., Sept 29]
  • Blanc-Mathieu R., Ogata H. Ancient DNA repair genes from the virus world. Extremophiles 2016 [September 12-16, 2016, Kyoto University; Poster presentation September 13 by Blanc-Mathieu R.]
  • 西村陽介, 綿井博康, 本田貴史, 三原知子, 大前公保, Blanc-Mathieu R., 山本圭吾, 左子芳彦, 五斗進, 緒方博之, 吉田天士 完全ゲノムから定量化した海洋ウイルスの多様性とその宿主予測. 水圏微生物研究フォーラム [August 9-10, 2016, 東京大学大気海洋研究所; Poster presentation August 9 西村陽介]
  • 綿井博康, 西村陽介, 山本圭吾, 五斗進, 緒方博之, 左子芳彦, 吉田 天士 Seasonal dynamics of marine viral communities in Japanese coastal area revealed by genomic OTUs analysis. 水圏微生物研究フォーラム [August 9-10, 2016,東京大学大気海洋研究所, Poster presentation 綿井博康 August 9]
  • 綿井博康, 本田貴史, 山本圭吾, 西村陽介, 五斗進, 緒方博之, 左子芳彦, 吉田天士 完全長ゲノムに基づく海洋ウイルスの定量的動態解析とその宿主微生物の推定. 日本海洋学会2016年度春季大会 [March 14-18, 2016,東京大学本郷キャンパス; Poster presentation March 12-14 by Watai H.]
  • Nishiyama H., Aoyama T., Ogata H. Utilization of ChIP-Seq data to characterize Arabidopsis thaliana ARR1 binding sites. Institute for Chemical Research International Symposium 2016 – Research Network Based on ICR MOU – [March, 7-8, 2016, Uji; Poster presentation on March 7 by Nishiyama H.]
  • Ogata H., Mihara T., Nishimura Y., Blanc-Mathieu R., Goto S. GenomeNet’s services for metagenomics studies. A New Age of Discovery for Aquatic Microeukaryotes [January 26-29, 2016, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany; Poster presentation January 27 by Ogata H.]

2015 口頭

  • Shimizu Y., Ogata H., Goto S. Relating the reaction types and phylogeny of type III polyketide synthases. Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2015 [October 29-31, 2015, Uji; Oral presentation October 29 by Shimizu Y.]
  • Nishimura Y., Watai W., Honda T., Omae K., Mihara T., Hingamp P., Yamamoto K., Sako Y., Yoshida T., Goto S., Ogata H. Revealing complete genomes from metagenomes: a case study for viruses in the ocean. Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2015 [October 29-31, 2015, Uji; Oral presentation October 29 by Nishimura Y.]
  • Mihara T., Koyano H., Goto S., Ogata H. Diversity of marine giant DNA viruses. International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2015 [July 19-22, 2015, Boston University; Oral presentation July 20, Poster July 21 by Mihara T.]
  • 緒方博之 海洋巨大ウイルスの多様性と進化. JT生命誌研究館セミナー [March 18, 2015,JT生命誌研究館; Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 海洋巨大ウイルスの進化と生態. 京都大学生態研センターセミナー [February 20, 2015, 生態研センター; Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • 綿井博康, 本田貴史, 山本圭吾, 緒方博之, 五斗進, 西村陽介, 左子芳彦, 吉田天士 次世代シーケンサーを用いた未知の海洋細菌―ウイルス感染系の推定 日本水産学会春季大会 [March 27-31, 2015, 東京海洋大学品川キャンパス; Oral presentation March 29 by Watai H.]

2015 ポスター

  • Nishiyama H., Ogata H., Aoyama T. Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana ARR1 binding sites based on ChIP-Seq data, 京都大学化学研究所第115回研究発表会 [December 11, 2015, Uji; Poster presentation by Nishiyama H.]
  • Mihara T., Koyano H., Hingamp P., Goto S., Ogata H. Assessing the diversity of the Megaviridae giant viruses based on RNA polymerase beta genes. Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology 2015 [October 29-31, 2015, Uji; Poster and highlight track presentation October 30 by Mihara T.]
  • Mihara T., Nishimura Y., Uehara H., Hingamp P., Goto S., Ogata H. A GenomeNet resource for virus-host interaction network analyses. Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, 2015 [October 17-20, 2015, Tsuchiura; Poster presentation October 18-19 by Mihara T.]
  • Nishimura Y., Mihara T., Yoshida T., Hingamp P., Ogata H., Goto S. A viral proteomic tree server and its application to a marine metagenomic study. Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, 2015 [October 17-20, 2015, Tsuchiura; Poster presentation October 18-19 by Nishimura Y.]
  • Watai H., Nishimura Y., Mihara T., Honda T, Yamamoto K, Hingamp P., Goto S., Ogata H., Sako Y, Yoshida T. Metagenomic analysis of viral communities in Osaka bay, Japan. Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, 2015 [October 17-20, 2015, Tsuchiura; Poster presentation October 18-19vby Watai H.]
  • 西村陽介, 綿井博康, 本田貴史, 三原知子, 山本圭吾, 左子芳彦, 吉田天士, 五斗進, 緒方博之 メタオミクスによる海洋ウイルスと微生物群集の継時的観測 NGS現場の会 [July 1-3, 2015, つくば国際会議場; Poster presentation July 2-3 by Nishimura Y.]

2014 口頭

  • 緒方博之 巨大ウイルスは海洋生態系進化の原動力である 第37回日本分子生物学会年会 [November 25-27, 2014, Yokohama; Oral and Poster presentation November 25 by Ogata H.]
  • 緒方博之 ウイルスは生命か?−巨大ウイルスを中心に− 平成26年第二回化学研究所イブニングセミナー [November 12, ICR; Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H. Marine viral genomics: from genetic diversity to ecological implications. Sweden-Kyoto Symposium [September 11-12, 2014, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institute; Oral presentation September 12/Karolinska Institute by Ogata H.]
  • Shimizu Y., Tokimatsu T., Goto S., Ogata H. Exploring Polyketide Synthases from Huge Metagenomic Samples. 14th International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB) [July 20-25, 2014; Oral presentation by Shimizu Y.]
  • Ogata H. Recent bioinformatics development in quantitative metagenomics. The 3rd International Seminar on Biodiversity and Evolution [June 6, 2014, Kyoto Kyoiku Bunka Center, Kyoto; Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H. Giruses in the Ocean: from diversity to their ecological significance (in Japanese). Annual meeting of the Society of Genome Microbiology Japan – Symposium 1 [March 7-9, 2014, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo; Oral presentation March 8 by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H. Giant viruses: a unique entry to the natural diversity of DNA processing genes. Second Bioscience and Biotechnology International Symposium: The Nucleic Acid World – Interface between Biology and Chemistry. [January 29, 2014, Suzukakedai Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Oral presentation by Ogata H.]
  • Ogata H., Villar E., Grimsley N., Hingamp P. Quantifying large DNA viruses in marine ecosystems. Ocean Science Meeting 2014, Session 075 (A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology, major results and perspectives for research and education, organized by Lars S., Bowler C., Boss E., de Vargas C., Ogata H.) [February 23-28, 2014, Hawaii Convention Center, USA; Oral presentation February 25 by Ogata H.]

2014 ポスター

  • 西村陽介, 本田貴史, 綿井博康, 左子芳彦, 五斗進, 吉田天古, 緒方博之 次世代配列解析による海洋ウイルスと宿主の相互作用の解析 生命情報科学若手の会 第6回研究会 [October 29-30, 2014, CDB, Kobe; Poster presentation by Nishimura Y.]
  • Mihara T., Goto S., Ogata H. Why do some viruses encode amino acid biosynthetic genes? Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmocology 2014 [October 2-4, 2014, Sendai; Poster presentation October 2 by Mihara T.]
  • Goto S., Tokimatsu T., Moriya Y., Ogata H. Tools to Interpret Large Genomic and Metagenomic Data using KEGG Databases. 14th International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (IBSB) [July 20-25, 2014; Poster presentation by Goto S.]